Here you will find videos, audios and texts for your practice at home. If you have a question about an exercise or something else, we will be happy to discuss it next time in class.
Note: The material on this page is protected by copyright. It took a lot of work and time and is available here exclusively for you.
Please do not pass it on to third parties without my permission. The videos were created with the kind permission of and in the open space in the old dairy in Ahlen.
Introductory meditation before practice
Introductory meditation before practice
at the beginning of the practice
at the end of the practice
5 Sun Salutations A including count. Remember to practice your variations too!
Cheat Sheet for Download (Surya Namaskar A)
5 Sun Salutations B including count. Remember to practice your variations too!
Cheat Sheet for Download (Surya Namaskar B)
Standing positions including count.
Remember to practice your variations!
Cheat Sheets for download (standing positions)
his care
at the end
triangular pose
triangular pose
upright posture
parivrtta parsvakonasana
Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C, D
inward pose
Cheat Sheet Zum Download (Utkatasana and Virabhadrasana)
Short conclusion including count.
This always comes before savasana...
Cheat Sheet for download (short conclusion)